2003 : Circus Circus | < prev | 1 of 4 | next > | permalink | comments (2) | quick access |

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This one was shot during a trip to Las Vegas (where else...) and northern Arizona in Spring 2003. The clown is probably 30 ft high which makes the screen pretty big. I missed the shot the first time and I had to wait a good 5-10 minutes for the "God Bless America" clip to play again. But it was well worth the wait...
t'as des criss de belles photos je te jure ... Ils ont de la vie et une ambiance assez spécial que j'aime. Continu comme ca ;) Question juste comme ça t'as tu deja été a l'école Notre dames des servites a Ayer's Clif?? Tk si non moi je suis de sherbrooke pour que tu sache ou je me situe. Ya des modites belles photos a prendre ici. @+
Billy Carle-Hayes @ 2006-02-08 15:33 GMT